Automated Vehicle Monitoring and Alert System

2022 COE Engineering Design Project (AA07)

Faculty Lab Coordinator

Alagan Anpalagan

Topic Category

Software Systems


The use of automotive vehicles is increasing day by day as is the need for automated traffic management and accident prevention. Through the modernization of motor vehicles, information such as speed, brakes, steering are readily available and can be used to analyse driving habits. In this project a vehicle tracking and data processing system will be designed, developed, implemented and tested. The system will collect data from its accelerometer, cameras, and the vehicle’s diagnostic port (OBD). The accelerometer data can be used to determine if a collision has occurred and its severity for example. Also it will be used to determine if any known driving violations (speeding, sharp turns etc) occurred by comparing the off-line data from the transportation authority. The vehicle’s OBD is used to gather information from the vehicle’s sensors and to identify if there were any malfunctioning components prior to an incident. The cameras, located on the vehicle’s rear-view mirror, record the driver’s actions and the vehicle’s surroundings. The system also allows to view the reports and videos generated by the system on a computer using an interface. Real-time weather data or location data will be used to determine the potential unsafe or unlawful driving.


The overall goal is to design, develop, implement and test a vehicle tracking and data processing system. It should be done cost effective manner possible without compromising the quality of the product and services to be provided by the system.

Partial Specifications

The partial specs listed below:
* Monitor braking, steering, signalling habits: Primarily through OBD system, if not then through the use of accelerometer
*Monitor functionality of the essential components (speed, steering angle, engine parameters etc) of the vehicle through OBD system
* Blind spot and Rear Check: Install LED’s that alerts the driver using laser or radio sensors
* GPS tracking system to track the vehicle and develop trends: Install an off the shelf GPS system that tracks location in real time while offline and logs it into its memory.
* On-board front and rear cameras for documenting traffic in case of accidents: An application to analyze and present results
*Demonstrate it by creating scenarios, recording of videos etc.

Note: If any automotive vehicle is involved in any phase of this project, students should take all necessary safety precautions, and obey all the safety and traffic rules and regulations.

Suggested Approach

Do research on different modules required for the project (software or hardware, networking, sensing, processing). Create milestone steps and try to achieve them regularly with backup plans in case of failure. Put together the information available and start designing the device/application. Validate device/application by rigorous testing and ensure that the final product is completely functional. Demonstrate by creating videos if necessary of various scenarios that depicts the use of this device in various situations.

Group Responsibilities

To design, develop, implement and test a vehicle tracking and data processing system based on sensors and other devices in a team project.

Student A Responsibilities

To design, develop, implement and test a vehicle tracking and data processing system based on sensors and other devices in a team project.

Student B Responsibilities

To design, develop, implement and test a vehicle tracking and data processing system based on sensors and other devices in a team project.

Student C Responsibilities

To design, develop, implement and test a vehicle tracking and data processing system based on sensors and other devices in a team project.

Student D Responsibilities

To design, develop, implement and test a vehicle tracking and data processing system based on sensors and other devices in a team project.

Course Co-requisites

To ALL EDP Students

Due to COVID-19 pandemic, in the event University is not open for in-class/in-lab activities during the Winter term, your EDP topic specifications, requirements, implementations, and assessment methods will be adjusted by your FLCs at their discretion.


AA07: Automated Vehicle Monitoring and Alert System | Alagan Anpalagan | Thursday September 1st 2022 at 10:24 PM