Using this site

You know how to read, point and click! However, there are a few things to keep in mind when using this site.

Link type:

Unless otherwise indicated, most links are in HTML format—they are designed to be viewed in a browser.

However some links indicate another format (often PDF) which are rendered by a plugin of some sort. (PDF is usually rendered by Adobe's acrobat.)

Sometimes the same content can be viewed in either HTML or PDF format. Both versions are identical in content but formatted differently. In particular, PDF is optimized for printing.

Some HTML pages (including this one) have a PDF icon pdfIcon at the top of the page. Click on it to get the PDF rendition of the page.

If you want to print a hardcopy and a PDF rendition is available, use it.
New or same window:

Most links replace the browser window with a different page. But some links open a new browser window.

Links that display in the same window conform to the stylistic conventions (menus, tabs, fonts, colours, etc.) of the site. When the link may not conform to these standards, a new window is opened. All external links open a new window. Some local links also open a new window if their stylistic conventions differ from the main site.

Sometimes a local link that opens a new window may reference identical content to another link (or menu item) that does not open a new window. In such cases, the identical content is rendered with different stylistic conventions (the link that opens a new window may not correspond to the conventions of this site.) Rest assured, however, that the actual content (what you read or print) is absolutely identical in both cases.