Initial MAT Installations


A full MAT distribution is large.  To reduce what you have to download The package has been broken into smaller pieces, so you only need to download the console, and the agents for the OS's you wish to support.  You will need to download the console, and at least one OS agents.

1. OS Agents:
Download the agents for OS's you wish to install on.  Copy the files to each machine you wish to install on, and extract the files.  Run the install.agent script to install the agent.

    Download Solaris Agent Now

    Download Solaris X86 Agent Now

    Download Linux Agent Now

    Download HPUX Agent Now

    Download IRIX Agent Now

2. Console:
The console provides the graphical interface to MAT.  You will need to down load it.

    Download the Console Now.

Just extract the console in a convenient directory.  Windows users should rename mat file to mat.tcl.
To start the console just run the mat command in the bin directory.  UNIX users may need to edit the first line of the mat file if the Tcl/Tk interpreter is not /usr/bin/wish.  You can then create the console hosts list, or have it scan for the hosts which have the MATagent installed.

You are done!