Connecting to Internet of Things (IoT) devices using Domain Name System (DNS)

2018 ELE Engineering Design Project (FM03)

Faculty Lab Coordinator

Farah Mohammadi

Topic Category

Communications / Networking


Domain Name System (DNS) is a system that names internet accessible resources (web page). Every web page on the internet has unique IP address. Home network devices as a server (to share music/data with each other) can’t be used, since our home router IP address changes when modem restarts or after each time one turns modem ON. This problem can be addressed using DDNS (Dynamic Domain Name System)


Wi-Fi hardware and software (written in PHP and HTML) is required to develop DDNS. 1- Hardware can be a Wi-Fi system (i.e. ESP8266) connected to home router. It obtains external IP of the home router, then send it to the special website and store it in the special database. 2- Software is a website program (written in PHP and HTML) which stores external IP address of the home router to MySQL database and set a name to that IP address. 3- This technique provides one unique name address (not variable IP address) for the home network devices as a web server.

Partial Specifications

- Become familiar with DDNS and companies that services DDNS.
- Become familiar on how to forward ports on the home Router.
- Web server development (using ESP8266 NodeMCU).

Suggested Approach

1- Become familiar with DDNS development.
2- Develop web site by programming in PHP and HTML.
3- Develop a hardware as part of DDNS approach.
4- Develop a hardware as a home server for testing DDNS (using ESP8266 NodeMCU).
5- Analyze the results obtained from commercial DDNS.

Group Responsibilities

- Literature review of DDNS systems; - Design and development of technical specifications required for the system prototype under consideration; - Implementation and verification of the system with the above objectives; - Prepare a technical report and present the results at the end of the program.

Student A Responsibilities

To design, develop and implement a hardware web server (use ESP8266 NodeMCU as a web server)

Student B Responsibilities

To design, develop and implement a software portion of web server (using Arduino IDE).

Student C Responsibilities

To design, develop and implement a web site to store External IP of home router.

Course Co-requisites

Programming in C, PHP, HTML, JAVA


FM03: Connecting to Internet of Things (IoT) devices using Domain Name System (DNS) | Farah Mohammadi | Not yet submitted at No time