Application of Localization and Sensor Network

2018 COE Engineering Design Project (MJ03)

Faculty Lab Coordinator

Muhammad Jaseemuddin

Topic Category



Growing number of applications in diversified areas ranging from environmental monitoring and control to health care require a large number of small sensor nodes to communicate data and co-operate with each other in performing distributed computation on them. With the advancement of very small power-efficient computing, communication and sensing devices, sensor nodes can be designed to form Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). Hundreds and thousands of very small sensor nodes are deployed to form WSN dynamically. The node density, scalability, and power-constraints pose unique challenges in designing a WSN.


In this project you will design, implement, and measure the performance of a monitoring and control application of sensor networks. A sensor node is capable of sensing/monitoring, computing and communicating the data gleaned through on-board sensors to other sensor nodes. It is a very small single-board system consists of a tiny processor, transceiver, multiple sensors, and a power unit. It is designed for low-power consumption. Typically sensor nodes perform low range communication to reduce power loss due to distance. Future Smart Buildings will be equipped with a sensor network for variety of monitoring and conveying emergency alarms. The network also provides localization service for identifying location of alarms and persons. For example, patient monitoring will convey alarm to hospitals, fire and other hazards monitoring will despatch alarm to fire department etc. These alarms are sent through cellular network, which is also used to control variety of parameters in the building. The control application is developed on smart phones that can remotely control the building through cellular network.

Partial Specifications

• Low power micro-controller capable of operating in different power saving modes
• Small Linux board.
• Variety of common sensors
• Smart phone

Suggested Approach

• Evaluate different ACEINNA ( sensor hardware and software, such as MICA sensor board
• Evaluate microcontroller board for its interfacing with the sensor board.
• Select sensors through ACEINNA vendor
• Set up routing system in the sensor network that can support emergency data
• Evaluate smart phone for remote monitoring and control

Group Responsibilities

• All students will be involved in the initial design phase. • All students will be involved in integration and performance monitoring. • All students will be involved in demo set up using some interesting applications.

Student A Responsibilities

• Lead the monitoring application design including defining some applications. • Selection of sensors. • Design sensor interface and integrate with the sensor boards. • Lead the demo design.

Student B Responsibilities

• Lead the control application design. • Lead the control hardware and software design. • Design the controller interface with the sensor board. • Lead the demo set up.

Student C Responsibilities

• Lead localization, sensor interfacing, and system integration. • Lead the interface and transmission through cellular network. • Lead the implementation of the control and monitoring software on remote smart phones.

Course Co-requisites

COE768 or consent of the FLC.


MJ03: Application of Localization and Sensor Network | Muhammad Jaseemuddin | Wednesday September 19th 2018 at 12:50 PM