Design of Nuclear Steam HP-LP Turbines Control System

2018 ELE Engineering Design Project (RC03)

Faculty Lab Coordinator

Richard Cheung

Topic Category

Power / Controls


The function of the nuclear steam turbine is to convert the steam heat energy originally generated by nuclear reactions into mechanical energy that is then converted into electrical energy by the electrical generator to produce electricity. The Ontario nuclear turbine consists of one high-pressure (HP) turbine and three low-pressure (LP) turbine. The steam produced by the boiler first flows into the HP turbine and then flows into the LP turbines. The flow of the steam to the HP turbine is controlled by three types of valves: boiler stop valves, emergency stop valves, and governor valves. The steam coming out of the HP turbine is to be dried and re-heated. The steam coming out of the reheater flows into the three LP turbines through two types of valves: release valves and intercept valves. The steam coming out of the three LP turbines flows into the condenser.


The objective of this project is to design an advanced steam control system that provides the complete control of the steam flow from the boiler to the HP turbine, Reheater, LP turbines, and to the condenser.

Partial Specifications

Design turbine load rejection control.
Design turbine droop control.

Suggested Approach

Study the text book by P. Kundur, “Power System Stability and Control”, McGraw-Hill, 1994.
Study literatures on nuclear turbine control.

Group Responsibilities

Design a complete control system for controlling the steam flow from the boiler to the HP and LP turbines. Perform design analysis. Perform design simulation and design optimization.

Student A Responsibilities

Research the control requirements for the governor valves of the turbine. Design the controller for the governor valves. Develop computer models for the control of the governor valves.

Student B Responsibilities

Research the control requirements for the boiler stop valves and the emergency stop valves of the turbine. Design the controllers for the boiler stop valves and the emergency stop valves. Develop computer models for the controls of the boiler stop valves and the emergency stop valves.

Student C Responsibilities

Research the control requirements for the release valves and the intercept valves of the turbine. Design the controllers for the release valves and the intercept valves. Develop computer models for the controls of the release valves and the intercept valves.

Course Co-requisites

ELE 637


RC03: Design of Nuclear Steam HP-LP Turbines Control System | Richard Cheung | Not yet submitted at No time