Design of Nuclear Standby Generator Control and Protection System

2018 ELE Engineering Design Project (RC07)

Faculty Lab Coordinator

Richard Cheung

Topic Category

Power / Controls


The function of the nuclear standby generator is to provide power for Class III loads, in the event of loss of Class IV power. The standby generator must be capable of supplying power of a certain distribution voltage (typically 13.8kV) at synchronous speed (60 Hz) within a short time (typically 2.5 minutes) and of taking load at certain power every short period (such as 1.2MW every 10 seconds). The standby generator must have black start capability and certain days (typically 4 days) of black-out emergency load capability. At least the standby generator must be capable of supplying power to provide safe plant shutdown. Typically three standby generator sets are needed, as determined on the contingency that one set may be out for maintenance and one may fail to start. Due to the emergency function of the standby generator sets, protection and control circuits are designed to provide alarm rather than to trip where possible in order to avoid tripping the standby generator unnecessarily. Standby generators must be capable of being connected in parallel with the distribution system and with each other.


The objective of this project is to design a nuclear standby generator control and protection system that ensure the standby generator is capable of supplying power to Class III loads for a period of time, in event of loss of Class IV power.

Partial Specifications

Design a standby generator that is capable of supplying power to Class III loads at 13.8kV within 2.5 minutes after Class IV power is interrupted and is capable of taking loads at 1.2MW every 10 seconds up to 50MW.
Design the standby generator that has a black start capability and is capable of providing 4 days of black-out emergency power to Class III loads.

Suggested Approach

Study IEEE Std. 387-1995 “IEEE Standard Criteria for Diesel-Generator Units Applied as Standby Power Supplies for Nuclear Power Generating Stations”
Study literature on nuclear standby generator control.

Group Responsibilities

Design a complete control system for a nuclear standby generator with capability of black start within 2.5 minutes after loss of Class IV power in a nuclear generating station and with capability of picking up loads at 1.2MW every 10 seconds up to 50MW. Perform design analysis.

Student A Responsibilities

Research the interfacing requirements for a typical standby generator in a nuclear generating station. Design the interfacing circuits for the nuclear standby generator. Develop models for simulations of the standby generator interfacing capability.

Student B Responsibilities

Research the control requirements for an electricity generator operated as a standby generator in a nuclear generating station. Design the control circuits for the standby generator supplying power to Class III loads. Develop models for simulations of the standby generator control capability.

Student C Responsibilities

Research the protection requirements for a nuclear standby generator. Design the protection circuits for the standby generator against abnormal operating conditions. Develop models for simulations of the standby generator protection capability.

Course Co-requisites

ELE 637


RC07: Design of Nuclear Standby Generator Control and Protection System | Richard Cheung | Not yet submitted at No time