My Little Robotic Assistant

2021 ELE Engineering Design Project (XF06)

Faculty Lab Coordinator

Xavier Fernando

Topic Category

Consumer Products/Applications


How cool that would be to have our own personal assisting robot when we are sick or got older. Designing personal robotic assistants has become a viable task with many different tools available nowadays such as Google' teaching machine.


In this project students will design a Personal Robotic Assistant (PERA) that will follow an elderly/sick person wherever he/she goes and perform basic helping.

Partial Specifications

PERA will distinctly identify the master using machine vision and voice recognition.
PERA will follow the master in a reasonable distance when called for.
PERA will stop at stair cases to avoid falling itself.
PERA will identify if the master has fallen or in trouble and notify someone.
PERA will remind certain pre-recorded events, such as taking the medication on time.
PERA will answer simple questions such as 'How is the weather today?'

Suggested Approach

PERA shall have a robot (moving) portion. Communication software, video camera and image processing software to follow, identify the status of the master and to communicate when necessary.

You may use the tools available from Google teachable machines

Group Responsibilities

The group is responsible for the successful completion and demonstration of the overall project.

Student A Responsibilities

The robotic part and movement

Student B Responsibilities

Video recording, Image processing and action identification.

Student C Responsibilities

Voice recognition and answering questions

Student D Responsibilities

Overall integration and smartphone interface

Course Co-requisites

To ALL EDP Students

Due to COVID-19 pandemic, in the event University is not open for in-class/in-lab activities during the Winter term, your EDP topic specifications, requirements, implementations, and assessment methods will be adjusted by your FLCs at their discretion.


XF06: My Little Robotic Assistant | Xavier Fernando | Thursday September 2nd 2021 at 01:51 PM