Android Smartphone Sensor Data Collection and Storage

2021 ELE Engineering Design Project (XZ04)

Faculty Lab Coordinator

Xiao-Ping Zhang

Topic Category

Consumer Products/Applications


There are more and more sensors integrated into smartphones. These sensor data can be used to analyze the user behaviors, useful in lots of applications such as location-based service, first respond, customized advertisement, etc. The very first step to utilize these data is to collect them from the smartphone and store them.


Practice the programming skills in Android and Windows environments. Coordinate on the interfaces and specifications between and within different software modules. Realize the app/software in a cooperative manner.

Partial Specifications

Record the sensor data including gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetometer, GPS position, WiFi (SSID, channel, signal strength, etc.), with timestamps onto smartphone.
Visualize the sensor data on smartphone in a real-time manner.
Transfer the sensor data onto PC in a real-time manner.
Store the sensor data on PC.
Visualize the sensor data on PC in a real-time manner.

Suggested Approach

This software is divided into four modules, i.e., 1) sensor data collection and storage on smartphone, 2) visualization and control on smartphone, 3) real-time transmission from smartphone to PC, and 4) storage and visualization on PC.
Participants need to negotiate and define interfaces and communication protocols between modules.
The participant responsible for module 3 is suggested to take charge of the whole system and keep documentations on interfaces and system structure.
The function division of the software system is a suggestion. Participants can divide the entire task through discussion, and need to clearly indicate what work he/she has done in the report.

Group Responsibilities

Realize and demonstrate the entire software system. Deliver the design documents for each module and interfaces.

Student A Responsibilities

Realize module 1. Coordinate with other students to define workable interfaces. Develop sensor data collection and storage program. Accept input commands from visualization module such as sensor selection, start recording, stop recording, remove recorded data. Output data to the visualization module.

Student B Responsibilities

Realize module 2. Coordinate with other students to define workable interfaces. Receive data from sensor data collection module and display on smartphone. Generate commands such as start/stop recording data, start/stop transferring data to PC, etc.

Student C Responsibilities

Realize module 3, coordinate with other students to make the system work, and document the system design. Receive data from data collection module and send them to PC. Receive the commands from visualization module to complete corresponding tasks.

Student D Responsibilities

Realize module 4. Coordinate with other students to define workable interfaces. Visualize data in dynamic charts when the user inputs commands or click buttons. Receive data from communication module to save locally or display on GUI.

Course Co-requisites

To ALL EDP Students

Due to COVID-19 pandemic, in the event University is not open for in-class/in-lab activities during the Winter term, your EDP topic specifications, requirements, implementations, and assessment methods will be adjusted by your FLCs at their discretion.


XZ04: Android Smartphone Sensor Data Collection and Storage | Xiao-Ping Zhang | Sunday September 5th 2021 at 10:47 AM