Video Conferencing System

2021 ELE Engineering Design Project (XZ06)

Faculty Lab Coordinator

Xiao-Ping Zhang

Topic Category

Consumer Products/Applications


Remote working is becoming more prevalent nowadays. To support this work and life style, a video conferencing system is needed. Taking Zoom, Microsoft Team, and Skype as references. A simple video conferencing system will be developed in this project.


Understand the functions of existing conferencing software. Develop a PC (bonus: smartphone) based video conferencing software supporting at least 3 simultaneous users within in one conference.

Partial Specifications

Support at least 3 users in one conference.
Support camera/mic on and off.
Reduce latency as much as possible.

Suggested Approach

The software can be divided into client and server sides. Two students work on the server side, and the other two on the client side. Students need to keep a regular communication and a definition document to synchronize the interfaces and protocols between client and server and other functional modules.

Group Responsibilities

Coordinate to define software interfaces and to divide tasks. Realize and demonstrate the entire software system. Deliver the design documents for each module and interfaces.

Student A Responsibilities

Server side development. Realize video and audio communication with the client side. Coordinate with the other student to divide tasks. Need to clearly indicate what parts of tasks have been done in the final report.

Student B Responsibilities

Server side development. Realize video and audio communication with the client side. Coordinate with the other student to divide tasks. Need to clearly indicate what parts of tasks have been done in the final report.

Student C Responsibilities

Client side development. Realize video and audio communication with the server side. Compose GUI to interact with users. Coordinate with the other student to divide tasks. Need to clearly indicate what parts of tasks have been done in the final report.

Student D Responsibilities

Client side development. Realize video and audio communication with the server side. Compose GUI to interact with users. Coordinate with the other student to divide tasks. Need to clearly indicate what parts of tasks have been done in the final report.

Course Co-requisites

To ALL EDP Students

Due to COVID-19 pandemic, in the event University is not open for in-class/in-lab activities during the Winter term, your EDP topic specifications, requirements, implementations, and assessment methods will be adjusted by your FLCs at their discretion.


XZ06: Video Conferencing System | Xiao-Ping Zhang | Sunday September 5th 2021 at 10:52 AM