Cloud-based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping using RGB cameras

2018 Research Internship Project

Faculty Name

Naimul Mefraz Khan

Project Title

Cloud-based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping using RGB cameras

Project Description

Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) algorithms are very important for Augmented Reality (AR) applications. Specifically, Visual SLAM can localize a user based on images from a single RGB camera, which is useful for mobile AR. However, SLAM algorithms are resource intensive and not suitable for mobile devices. An alternative is cloud-based visual SLAM, where the camera data is sent to high-powered servers, and calculated SLAM parameters are sent back to the mobile devices for efficient real-time AR. This can enable further intelligent processing on the server side, such as collaborative AR experience with multiple users, object-level scene understanding etc.

Student Responsibility

Camera data streaming and SLAM processing on the server side has already been implemented. The intern's responsibility will be continuing the project where they will: 1. develop prototype mobile app that can receive algorithm-specific data from the server to localize the user ( (position and orientation in world coordinate); 2. create AR prototype on the mobile device with the received data; 3. investigate collaborative AR possibilities with the prototype; 4. investigate object-level scene understanding with the prototype.

Specific Requirements

Student should have strong programming experience (solid understanding of materials covered in: COE428, COE328, COE318, additional programming experience in C++ preferred). 3rd year (or higher) students will get preference.

Reseach Internship Application

Naimul Mefraz Khan : Cloud-based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping using RGB cameras | Thursday March 29th 2018 10:22 AM