Analysis of Query Performance Prediction Systems

2020 Research Internship Project

Faculty Name

Faezeh Ensan

Project Title

Analysis of Query Performance Prediction Systems

Project Description

This project aims at providing an analysis of the performance of existing Query Performance Prediction (QPP) systems. QPP deals with the task of automatically predicating the effectiveness of a given search engine for any user query in retrieving and ranking documents. A Query Performance predictor would help in reformatting a query and reconfiguring search system settings for different queries.

Student Responsibility

The research assistant will review relevant works in QPP, study their implementations, and apply them for comparing the performance of different search systems. The research assistant will use Indri (A search engine from Lemur Project) for indexing data, searching over datasets and comparing different QPP systems.

Specific Requirements

Strong Programming skills (Java, Python), Being able to work with github, Being familiar with the Linux operating system, Knowledge of Information Retrieval Systems is an asset.

Reseach Internship Application

Faezeh Ensan : Analysis of Query Performance Prediction Systems | Saturday April 4th 2020 02:39 PM