In April of 2021 Mathworks deployed a dedicated Ryerson University web portal to assist anyone at Ryerson to be able to access Matlab. Before installing MATLAB, you are required to have an @ryerson.ca email address.
STEP 1: Create a Mathworks Account
- You will need a My.Ryerson account (@ryerson.ca) to register at Mathworks. (YOU CANNOT USE YOUR @ee.ryerson.ca, @scs.ryerson.ca, @gwemail.ryerson.ca, etc. addresses. IT MUST BE YOUR @ryerson.ca ADDRESS.)
- Follow the steps outlined in the Mathworks help page to create your account.
STEP 2: Download and Install Matlab
Just need to Reactivate?
- Every year when Ryerson renews it's campus wide license for matlab you will need to re-acti
vate your matworks installation.
- Follow the steps outlined on the Mathworks Update your Campus-Wide License page to re-activate your matlab installation.