2002 News Archive

Nov 13, 2002
2002 Academic Awards
On Thursday November 7th, the Department hosted the annual Awards Ceremony at Oakham House, honouring outstanding student academic achievements.

Nov 12, 2002
Synergy Award for Innovation
Bin Wu among the winners of the 2002 NSERC Synergy Awards for Innovation.

Nov 11, 2002
SoC Research Lab
System-on-Chip Research Laboratory.

Aug 18, 2002
iNEER Award
Gosha Zywno wins iNEER Award.

Aug 13, 2002
Distinguished Lecture Series
Topic: Recent Advancements on Image, Video and Multimedia Processing on Friday, September 20, 2002.

July 10, 2002
IBM Research Award
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center Award to Serhat Erkucuk for his paper, A novel technique for digital audio watermarking.

June 24, 2002
New Dean of Engineering and Applied Science
Stalin Boctor appointed Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science.

June 14, 2002
3M Fellowship Award
Gosha Zywno awarded 3M Fellowship.

May 13, 2002
Sumo Robot Winner
Pawel Grodecki won at the 2002 OCAD Sumo Robot Challenge.

May 11, 2002
Opto-Canada Winners
Ryerson undergraduate students sweep prizes at Opto-Canada 2002.

March 19, 2002
CFI Research Funding
Funding to establish a state-of-the-art R&D facility for signal processing applications and communications.

March 12, 2002
International Conference for Upcoming Engineers
IEEE Student Branch will be organizing the first International Conference for Upcoming Engineers (I-CUE) on May 2, 2002. Papers or reports are invited from undergraduate and graduate students.

March 7, 2002
WIreless Networks & COmmunications REsearch Laboratory.