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They were awarded $169,500 from NSERC and $60,000 from the Canada
Council for the Arts for the three year project entitled "A Cagean
approach to Image Processing for Film and Video: Applying Machine
Learning to Measuring Image Similarity, to Constrain the Random
Selection of Image Processing Methods". The project involves
developing an expert system to be used by film- and video-makers that
incorporate some of John Cage's ideals for composition that will have
applications throughout the "image industry".
Ling Guan, Canada Research Chair in
Multimedia and Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, and Bruce Elder, Professor in the School of Image Arts,
have been awarded a grant from the joint Canada Council for the Arts
and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of
Canada New Media Initiative.
Last modified:
Tuesday, 14-Jul-2015 18:07:11 EDT