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Lecture: Bjarni V. Tryggvason

The Ryerson Engineering Student Society is proud to present Astronaut Bjarni V. Tryggvason as a guest speaker to the Ryerson engineering students. Mr. Tryggvason will be lecturing at Oakham House on the technical work he has done in space. His lecture will focus on the development of the isolation systems on the International Space Station and include reasons for needing that installation and lessons on decision making.

In August 1997, Mr. Tryggavason was a Payload Specialist aboard the Space Shuttle mission STS-85. He is a Canadian-trained engineer who holds a Bachelors degree in Engineering Physics and a Masters in Engineering, Fluid Dynamics and Applied Mathematics.

If you are interested in hearing about the experiences of an astronaut, what it's like to be in space, or are interested in his lecture topic, please come to Oakham House on Thursday, March 27th at 6 pm. This lecture is provided free to faculty and students, by the Ryerson Engineering Student Society.

Adapted from a RESS announcement.

Last modified: Tuesday, 14-Jul-2015 18:07:11 EDT