2004 Archive of News & Announcements

Nov. 30, 2004
ENG Building Closes Early
ENG building will close at 5:00PM on Dec. 1 for sprinker tests.
Nov. 29, 2004
ENG Building Reopens
ENG building reopens for normal operations on Tuesday Nov. 30.
Nov. 25, 2004
ENG Building Closed
Due to a water leak on Thursday Nov. 25, all classes and labs scheduled in the ENG building are cancelled and the building is closed.
Nov. 25, 2004
Academic Achievement Awards
On Nov. 10th the annual Awards Ceremony honoured outstanding student academic achievements.
Nov. 20, 2004
Faculty Awards
Latest awards to ELCE faculty.
Nov. 11, 2004
2nd year & 3rd year Winter/Spring Transition Program
University Academic Council approved the Department's proposal for a Winter and Spring Transition Program.
Nov. 9, 2004
CFI Funding
Drs. Gu, Zhao and Yang get funding for Wireless Sensor Networks Lab.
Sep. 21, 2004
Technical Meeting
"Control and Monitoring of MV/LV Power Distribution Systems".
Sep. 15, 2004
IEEE Award
Drs. Anpalagan and Fernando receive 2003-04 IEEE Chapter Achievement Award.
Sep. 3, 2004
Chair's Welcome
A message from the Chair.
Aug. 26, 2004
We've Moved
The ELCE Department has moved to the new Centre.
Aug. 2, 2004
NEPWAK Research Project
Assistance from a distance.
Jul. 16, 2004
We're Moving
ELCE Department begins moving July 19th.
Jun. 28, 2004
CEC Award
Emilijan Mirceski wins 2nd place in engineering competition.
Jun. 22, 2004
Ph.D. Program Approved
ELCE Department has been approved to offer the Doctor of Philosophy.
Jun. 14, 2004
ICUE 2004
A report on the 3rd annual conference.
May 31, 2004
Website Re-Design
A preview of the re-design of the departmental website.
May 15, 2004
Award Announcements
Micronet Best Paper, Innovative Excellence in Teaching, Technology Innovation Awards.
May 4, 2004
IEEE Student Awards
IEEE competition award winners.
Apr. 5, 2004
Research Grants
NSERC, CITO, Micronet research proposals awarded funding.
Mar. 1, 2004
Students participate in the 2004 Faculty of Community Services charrette.
Feb. 15, 2004
2004 OEC Results
Results of the 2004 Ontario Engineering Competition.
Feb. 2, 2004
Ryerson Research Chair
Bin Wu is the first Ryerson Research Chair.
Jan. 12, 2004
EPH Flooded
A burst water-pipe flooded portions of the first and second floors of Eric Palin Hall.
Sep. 8, 2002 - Dec. 2004
Center For Computing And Engineering
Photo album of the construction of the new Centre for Computing and Engineering.