Winter/Spring Transition Program

I am pleased to announce that on November 9, 2004 the University Academic Council approved the Department's and Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences' proposal for a Winter/Spring Transition Program.

Winter 2005

It is proposed to offer one SECTION of MTH514 and ELE532 in the Winter 2005 term (in parallel to the regular 6th Semester (ELCE06/COEN06) courses, and this will move one SECTION of ELE635 and ELE639 to the Spring 2005 term.

It is important to note that since only one section is offered for these transition courses, the order of priority for enrollment in a given course is as follows:

  1. Students who are assigned the course by the Department as part of their W2005 Probationary Plan of Study.
  2. Students who have failed the course in F2004 (but are not missing any other core course)and those that dropped the course in F2004 to properly manage their course workload.
  3. Students who are missing courses beyond what is offered in the transition program will be considered only if space is available.

Spring 2005

In the condensed Spring term (May-July), a repeat of the following Winter Semester courses will be offered: one SECTION of ELE635 and ELE639.

Students who will be missing these courses due to the Winter 2005 transition program will be given an immediate chance to upgrade their academic standing.

At the completion of the transition program, successful transition program students will be able to join their classmates who have been promoted to the third year of the Electrical/Computer Engineering program, without losing an academic year.

Important Note on the Transition Courses Offering

Please note that the offering of the Winter/Spring Transition Programs is based on a minimum enrolment of at east 20 students in each of these courses.

Thank you for your attention.
Sri Krishnan, Ph.D., P.Eng.