Dec. 18, 2019 • $450K NSERC CRD • Naimul Khan (principal investigator) Ling Guan and Sridhar Krishnan received a $450K NSERC CRD with Shaftesbury for the research project titled "Cloud-based Machine Learning Framework for Assessment of Stress/Engagement Through Multimodal Sensors". The project will develop machine learning and signal processing algorithms to assess stress or engagement in a VR application; the assessment will be used to dynamically adjust the game content to reduce stress. Potential applications include use in a clinical setting to reduce stress before surgery (non-pharmacological anxiety reduction) and in entertainment for dynamic gaming.
Dec. 4, 2019 • Student Branch Award • The Ryerson IEEE Student Branch won the IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award for "exemplary performance as an active IEEE Student Branch offering technical programs, activities, professional networking opportunities that enable members in building critical skills."
Nov. 27, 2019 • 2018 ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS • Photo album of the 2019 academic awards and scholarship awards ceremony.
Oct. 1, 2019 • IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecturer • Prof. Xiao-Ping Zhang has been selected to serve as an IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecturer for two years starting January 2020. The Society's Distinguished Lecturer Program provides means for chapters to have access to individuals who are well known educators and authors in the fields of signal processing, to lecture at Chapter meetings.
Aug. 15, 2019 • EPIC-Kitchens Dataset Challenge Winner • Nour Eldin Elmadany, a Ph.D student of Prof. Ling Guan, wins First Place in the EPIC-Kitchens Dataset Challenge at CVPR 2019.
EPIC-KITCHENS is a dataset filmed in 32 kitchens across four cities. The films, which include 11.5 million images, have been annotated with 40,000 action examples and half a million objects. This ground-breaking dataset will help machines to learn and advance first-person vision, enabling improvements in robotics, healthcare and augmented reality.
EPIC-KITCHENS is a dataset filmed in 32 kitchens across four cities. The films, which include 11.5 million images, have been annotated with 40,000 action examples and half a million objects. This ground-breaking dataset will help machines to learn and advance first-person vision, enabling improvements in robotics, healthcare and augmented reality.
Jun. 24, 2019 • Guest Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy • Dr. Amirnaser Yazdani was the Guest Editor-in-Chief for a Special Section on “Dynamic Modelling, System identification, Analysis, and Control of Renewable Distributed Energy Resources for Grid Integration” for the IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy. The Editorial and papers of the Special Section have been published in the July 2019 issue of the IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy. .
May. 22, 2019 • RON SWIRSKY, IN MEMORIAM • Ron Swirsky, a retired faculty member in the Department, passed away on May 21. Condolences.
Apr. 25, 2019 • K. RAAHEMIFAR RETIRES • Our department colleague Prof. Kaamran Raahemifar has decided to take early retirement. He has been with the department since 1999, teaching a number of different courses and supervising many graduate and undergraduate students. Prof. Raahemifar interacted with many students and has left an impression on their educational experience that surely none of them will forget. We thank him for his contributions these last 20 years and we wish him the best in his future opportunities and endeavours.