David Xu
Dr. Dewei (David) Xu received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China in 2001. From 2001 to 2003, he had been working in the laboratory of electric drives and application research (LEDAR), Ryerson University as post doctorial fellow. In 2003, he was appointed as assistant professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Toronto Metropolitan University, where he is currently Associate Professor.
Power electronics, renewable energy, electric drives and machine designs.
- J. Dai, D. Xu, and B. Wu, "A Novel Control Scheme for Current Source Converter Based PMSG Wind Energy System," IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, vol.24, no. 4, pp.963-972, April, 2009.
- K. Protsenko, D. Xu, "Modeling and Control of Brushless Doubly-fed Induction Generators in Wind Energy Applications," IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, no.3, vol. 23, pp.1191-1197, 2008.
- D. Xu, Z. Luo, "A Novel AC-DC Converter for PMSG Variable Speed Wind Energy Conversion Systems," IEEE IPEMC'09 Conf., pp.1117-1122, May, 2009
- B. Gong, D. Xu, "Real-time Wind Turbine Simulator for Wind Energy Conversion System," IEEE PESC'08 Conf., 2008, pp.1110-1114.
- D. Xu and B. Wu, "Multilevel Current Source Inverters with Phase-Shifted Trapezoidal PWM," IEEE PESC'05 Conf. Rec., pp.2540-2546, 2005.