J. ALIREZAIE Biomedical signals and image processing, computer aided diagnosis, neural networks, pattern recognition, computer vision and modeling, bioinformatics and bioengineering
S. BEHESHTI Signal and information processing, statistical signal processing
L. GUAN Image and video processing, machine learning, pattern recognition, human-computer interaction, visual information mining, intelligent healthcare systems
M. KASSAM Non-invasive medical diagnostic techniques & instrumentation, biomedical sensors and transducers
G. N. KHAN Intelligent medical systems, medical imaging, computer vision
S. KRISHNAN Adaptive signal representation and analysis, biomedical signal/image analysis, assistive technologies, affective computing, compressed sensing
K. MAI Biomedical Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction
DAFNA SUSSMAN Magnetic resonance imaging, spectroscopy, oximetry, phase-contrast, image registration
K. UMAPATHY Biomedical signal/ image analysis, time-frequency analysis, cardiac electrophysiology, digital signal processing, feature extraction and pattern classification, magnetic resonance imaging
V. Valente Analog and mixed-signal ICs, Bioelectronics, Wireless biosensors, Biotelemetry, Bio-MEMS
V. YANG Biomedical Instrumentation, Biophotoics and Bioimaging Devices
E. BAGHERI Software and Knowledge Engineering, Semantic Technologies, Web Mining, Intelligent and Adaptive Systems, Business Process Modeling
V. GEURKOV Testing Digital and Mixed Signal Systems
O. DAS Dependability and Performance Evaluation of Distributed Software Systems
M. JASEEMUDDIN Computer Networks, Parallel and Distributed Systems
G. N. KHAN Hardware/Software Co-design
L. KIRISCHIAN Embedded Systems
N. MEKHIEL Computer Architecture
F. MOHAMMADI Electro-thermal analysis of integrated circuits and development of electro-thermal test tools for ICs
T. YANG Network Security
A. YE FPGA architectures, CAD tools for FPGAs
F. YUAN CMOS Circuits and systems for wireless/wireline communications
A. ANPALAGAN Radio resource management, radio access and networking, wireless cross layer design and optimization, green communication technologies, cognitive radios
X. N. FERNANDO Signal processing for optical/wireless communication systems, radio over fiber systems
X. GU high-power fiber laser, fiber-optic devices, fiber-optic sensors
M. JASEEMUDDIN IP networking, mobile wireless access network, IP routing, content distribution internetworking.
N.W. MA Network security, internet protocols
T. YANG Role-based access control modeling, web security, information flow control and security in wireless sensor and mesh networks
L. ZHAO Wireless communications, centralized and distributed radio resource management; Green communication and computation, edge computing, IoT; Vehicular ad-hoc networks
S. BEHESHTI Controls, and system theory and modeling
J. CHEN Control of robotics manipulators, numerical solution of optimal control problems
R. CHEUNG Nuclear electricity generation and transmission, power system operations, power system protection and stability
B. VENKATESH Power Systems Analysis and Optimization
D. XU Power Electronics
T. YANG Power System Security
A. YAZDANI Modelling and Control of High-Power Electronic Converter Systems
J. ALIREZAIE Computer Vision, Adaptive Image Compression, Pattern Recognition
D. ANDROUTSOS Signal and Image Processing, Computational Imaging, Computer Vision
S. BEHESHTI Data processing and System modeling
L. GUAN Image and Video Processing, Multimedia, Machine Learning
S. KRISHNAN Adaptive Signal and Multimedia Processing
K. MAI Biomedical Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction
K. UMAPATHY Biomedical Signal and Image Analysis, Time-frequency Analysis, Cardiac Electrophysiology