Course Outline (W2024)

ELE639: Controls Systems

Instructor(s)Dr. Gosha Zywno [Coordinator]
Office: ENG463
Phone: (416) 979-5000 x 556105
Office Hours: Tuesdays, 4:30 - 6:00 pm, Wednesdays, 4:30 - 6:00 pm (Virtual)
Calendar DescriptionIntroductory course in control theory: system modeling, simulation, analysis and controller design. Description of linear, time-invariant, continuous time systems, differential equations, transfer function representation, block diagrams and signal flows. System dynamic properties in time and frequency domains, performance specifications. Basic properties of feedback. Stability analysis: Routh-Hurwitz criterion, Root Locus method, Bode gain and phase margins, Nyquist criterion. Classical controller design in time and frequency domain: lead, lag, lead-lag compensation, rate feedback, PID controller. Laboratory work consists of experiments with a DSP-based, computer-controlled servomotor positioning system, and MATLAB and Simulink assignments, reinforcing analytical concepts and design procedures.
PrerequisitesELE 532 and CEN 199




Compulsory Text(s):
  1. ELE639: Lecture Notes, the lecture notes are available from the secure course website as PDF downloadable files.
  2. MATLAB User Manual (including Control Systems Toolbox and Simulink) the Mathworks, Inc., Copyright 1995-2024, available for download on the Departmental Network as Matlab help files.
Reference Text(s):
  1. Control Systems Engineering, Norman S. Nise, 8th edition 2019, Wiley Inc.
Learning Objectives (Indicators)  

At the end of this course, the successful student will be able to:

  1. Demonstrates competency in modeling and analysis of a SISO, continuous, LTI control system in a single feedback loop configuration, including specific tasks of defining a system analytical description, its stability and its dynamic response. Uses relevant computer simulation software, MATLAB and Simulink. Identifies and carries out steps required in performing system stability and dynamic response analysis. (2b)
  2. Implements a PID controller on a real-time control system (servomotor), including obtaining experimental data. Applies the control theory learned to predict performance of the PID-controlled servomotor. (3a)
  3. Describes the differences between theoretical (linear) model and the implemented design on a real-life system. Assesses accuracy of the results, verifying experimental data and explaining sources of possible discrepancies. (3b)
  4. Identifies and carries out steps required in designing an in-the-loop controller (PID and Lead-Lag) for a low order LTI system in order to meet a set of specifications. (4b), (4a)
  5. Evaluates the chosen controller design by verifying its performance against a set of criteria, is able to explain differences between expected and actual results. (4c)
  6. Demonstrates proficiency in the use of high-performance engineering modeling and analysis software, including Matlab, Control Systems Toolbox and Simulink, for control system analysis and design, in this course and for subsequent engineering practice. (5a)
  7. Accomplishes several tasks requiring efficiency in managing own time and tasks to achieve individual and team goals, including meeting various deadlines. (6b), (6a)
  8. Produces a professionally prepared technical report using appropriate format, grammar, and citation styles, with figures and tables chosen to illustrate points made, with appropriate size, labels and references in the body of the report. Reports are graded on correctness, completeness, grammar, quality of graphics and layout. (7a)
  9. Responds appropriately to verbal questions from instructors, formulating and expressing ideas, using appropriate technical terminology - assessed through comprehensive lab interviews. (7b)
  10. Knows the role of the engineer in society, including responsibility for protecting the public interest (8b)

NOTE:Numbers in parentheses refer to the graduate attributes required by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB).

Course Organization

3.0 hours of lecture per week for 13 weeks
1.5 hours of lab per week for 12 weeks
0.0 hours of tutorial per week for 12 weeks

Teaching AssistantsShahab Ghorbani, B.Sc., M.A.Sc. Ph.D. (
 Sina Soleymanpour, B.Sc., M.A.Sc. Ph.D. Candidate
 Ali Nazari, B.Sc., M.A.Sc. Ph.D. Candidate
Course Evaluation
Quizzes 13 %
Midterm Exam 22 %
Final Exam 40 %
Lab Projects 25 %
TOTAL:100 %

Note: In order for a student to pass a course, a minimum overall course mark of 50% must be obtained. In addition, for courses that have both "Theory and Laboratory" components, the student must pass the Laboratory and Theory portions separately by achieving a minimum of 50% in the combined Laboratory components and 50% in the combined Theory components. Please refer to the "Course Evaluation" section above for details on the Theory and Laboratory components (if applicable).

ExaminationsMid-term test: Week 7, Wednesday, February 28, 2024 (Date to be confirmed). It will be conducted online, as a take-home test, with individual versions, problem-solving questions, to be uploaded to D2L using Assignments feature. It covers Weeks 1 to 6.
 The final exam will be scheduled during the exam period, three hours duration. The exam is comprehensive, but with emphasis on the design aspects of the course, and is closed-book.
Other Evaluation InformationPlease note that the three labs are of different weights: 7%, 9% and 9%, respectively.
 Course evaluation includes both individual effort (midterm, final exam, D2L quizzes) and group work (lab reports, group activities).  
 In order for a student to pass a course with "Theory and Laboratory" components, in addition to earning a minimum overall course mark of 50%, the student must pass the Laboratory and Theory portions separately by achieving a minimum of 50% in the combined Laboratory components and 50% in the combined Theory components.
Teaching MethodsELE639 lecture will be delivered in person. Classes are: Mondays (12:10 - 1:00 pm) in DSQ23, and Wednesdays (8:10 - 10:00 am) in DSQ10. All lab sessions are scheduled in person in ENG413.
Other Information1. All students shall adhere to the rules of Academic Integrity, and shall acquaint themselves with the Student Code of Academic Conduct and all other relevant policies. All relevant university policies found on Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) Senate website: Any suspected breach of Academic Integrity such as cheating or plagiarism will be investigated with the participation of the Academic Integrity Officer. Please check the course D2L website for more information on current policies.
 2. In accordance with the Policy on TMU Student E-mail Accounts (Policy 157), TMU requires that any electronic communication by students to TMU faculty or staff be sent from their official TMU email account.
 3. There are three projects to be completed in the lab - two computer simulation projects (SIMULINK & Matlab) and a real-time control experiment with a servomotor. The first two lab projects (simulations) focus on the stability and performance analysis on the PID Controller, and the third project is the feedback control design of the DC servo motor system in the Control Systems Lab (ENG413). In simulation projects, students will work with unique data sets that are frequently modified. Labs 1 & 2 are to be completed in pairs. Lab 3 is to be completed in groups of four. Simulation projects (Lab 1 & 2, and Part A of Lab 3) are expected to be completed mostly outside the lab. For the real-time experiment in the Controls Lab (Part B of Lab 3), students have to take measurements on the servo that is only accessible during scheduled lab hours in ENG413. All partners shall contribute equally to the lab reports. All lab reports have to be uploaded to D2L via Assignment feature before the start of the lab session when the report is due.
 4. Please note that the lab report marks may be adjusted at the end of the course to equalize differences between sections and different Teaching Assistants' grading styles.
 5. All of the required course-specific written reports will be assessed not only on their technical/academic merit, but also on the communication skills exhibited through these reports.
 6. All assignment and lab/tutorial reports must have the standard cover page which must be signed by the student(s) prior to submission of the work. Submissions without the cover page will not be accepted. Cover pages for each ELE639 lab experiment can be downloaded from the course D2L shell. Students can also use a Standard Assignment/Lab Cover Page found on the departmental web site.

Course Content



Chapters /

Topic, description

Week 1


Chapter 1

Goals for the course and course logistics. Review of terminology, objectives, and control system analysis/design procedures. General concepts of feedback and control - open vs. closed loop systems. Introduction to Matlab & Simulink. Models: transfer functions & block diagrams. Laplace Transform review (ELE532).

Week 2


Chapter 2

System stability, Routh Array, Routh-Hurwitz Criterion.

Week 3


Chapter 3

Models: block diagrams vs. signal flow graphs. Masons Gain.

Week 4


Chapter 4, 5

Step response specifications. Time domain analysis. Steady state errors.

Week 5


Chapters 6, 7

Time domain analysis - transient response of 1st and 2nd order systems. Standard second order model. Higher order dynamics, dominant poles, reduced order models.

Week 6


Chapters 8, 9

System control in time domain - classical three mode controller - characteristics of P, PD, PI and PID control. PID Controller tuning. Top-down design of a simple controller (PD, PI, lead).

Week 7



Review. Midterm Test.

Week 8


Chapter 10

Root locus method of system analysis, Proportional Control design from Root Locus plot - choosing gain.

Week 9


Chapter 10

Root locus method of system analysis continued. PID Controller design from Root Locus plot - choosing gain and time constants.

Week 10


Chapter 11, 12

Stability in frequency domain: gain and phase margins. Polar plots. Frequency response of a closed loop system. Closed loop second order model in frequency domain. Phase margin of a second order system.

Week 11


Chapter 12, 13

Correlation between frequency response and time domain response as a basis of frequency response design. Controller design in frequency domain: lead controllers.

Week 12


Chapter 13

Controller design in frequency domain: lag and lead-lag controllers.

Week 13



Course wrap-up, review, Q & A, review of past exams. What next? Overview of contemporary trends in control.

Laboratory(L)/Tutorials(T)/Activity(A) Schedule




2, 3

Lab 1

Simulation Project: Stability of Control Systems under Proportional, PI and PD Control. Two 1.5-hours sessions + extra time outside the lab as required.
 Individual data sets assigned to lab partners. Simulink simulations to analyze system stability under P, PD & PI Control.

4, 5, 6, 7

Lab 2

Simulation Project: Performance of Control Systems under P Control, PD Control and PI Control.
 Four 1.5-hours sessions + extra time outside the lab as required. Individual data sets assigned to lab partners. Simulink simulation to analyze the system response under P, PI, PD and PID Control.  


Lab 3

Simulation & Real-Time Project: Control of a Servo Positioning System.
 Four 1.5-hours sessions + extra time outside the lab as required. Creating the simulation and tuning the PID Controller for a DC Servo. Investigating the effect of nonlinearities on the system operation, Anti-Windup Control  all simulation.
 Next, introduction to Real-Time Control Interface, setting up data collection protocols, tuning the PID Controller on the real servomechanism. Investigating the real-time effect of nonlinearities on the system operation, Anti-Windup Control on real-time servo.                                                 

University Policies & Important Information

Students are reminded that they are required to adhere to all relevant university policies found in their online course shell in D2L and/or on the Senate website

Refer to the Departmental FAQ page for furhter information on common questions.

Important Resources Available at Toronto Metropolitan University


Academic Accommodation Support

Academic Accommodation Support (AAS) is the university's disability services office. AAS works directly with incoming and returning students looking for help with their academic accommodations. AAS works with any student who requires academic accommodation regardless of program or course load.

Academic Accommodations (for students with disabilities) and Academic Consideration (for students faced with extenuating circumstances that can include short-term health issues) are governed by two different university policies. Learn more about Academic Accommodations versus Academic Consideration and how to access each.

Wellbeing Support

At Toronto Metropolitan University, we recognize that things can come up throughout the term that may interfere with a student’s ability to succeed in their coursework. These circumstances are outside of one’s control and can have a serious impact on physical and mental well-being. Seeking help can be a challenge, especially in those times of crisis.

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, please call 911 and go to the nearest hospital emergency room. You can also access these outside resources at anytime:

If non-crisis support is needed, you can access these campus resources:

We encourage all Toronto Metropolitan University community members to access available resources to ensure support is reachable. You can find more resources available through the Toronto Metropolitan University Mental Health and Wellbeing website.