Tentative Course Outline and Schedule
Lectures etc.
1. Introduction and Computer System Overview
2. Operating System Overview
3. Process Management.
4. Threads, SMP & Micro kernels
5. Concurrency: Mutual exclusion
6. Concurrency: Process Synchronization
Test #1)
7. Concurrency: Deadlock
Study Break: week
8. Deadlock and Starvation
9. Introduction to Scheduling
10. Memory Management (Course Evaluation)
11. Virtual Memory (MidTerm Test #2)
12. Real-time Systems and Scheduling
13. Catching up and Review
Please Note:
The above schedule of lectures is tentative. There may be some changes
in the schedule that will be announced in the class and posted on the website.
The schedule for the short tests and midterm exams will be announced in
the class and will be posted on the course website.
Do check the announcement page of the course website regularly, at least
twice a week.
Course Text
William Stallings, Operating Systems Internals and Design Principles,
4th Edition, Prentice Hall Upper Saddle River, NJ 2001, ISBN 0-13-031999-6
Course Evaluation and Marking Scheme
Labs/Project: 20%
Mid-Term Tests (2): 30%
Final Exam: 50%
Assignments/Problem sets: NOT marked
Please Note:
1. All of the required course specific written
reports including labs and assignments will be assessed not only on their
technical or academic merit, but also on the communication skills of the
author as exhibited through these reports.
2. In order to achieve a passing grade in the
course, the student must pass both the theory and laboratory components.
3. Midterm tests will also cover the corresponding
laboratories to enforce individual lab attempts.
Instructor: Dr. Gul N. Khan
Phone #: (416) 979-5000 ext.6084
E-mail: gnkhan@ee.ryerson.ca
Home Page: http://www.ee.ryerson.ca/~gnkhan
Office: EPH 220
Office Hours: Tuesday 1:00 - 2:00PM
Thursday 10:00AM – 11:00AM
Lab Supervisor and Teaching Assistant
Mr. Jonathan Chan
Office: EPH323
Lab Consultation Hours: Thursday 12:00Noon to 1:00PM (Weeks
5, 7, 9, 10, 12,13)
Telephone #: (416) 979-5000 ext. 4501
e-mail: jchan@ee.ryerson.ca