The Twelve Days of Xemacsmas

by Luis Fernandes

On the first day of xemacsmas my Emacs gave to me,
a buffer with a program in C.

On the secOnd day of xemacsmas, my Emacs gave to me,
two tutorials and a buffer with a program in C.

On the third day of xemacsmas, my Emacs gave to me,
three vi modes, two tutorials and a buffer with a program in C.

On the fourth day of xemacsmas, my Emacs gave to me,
four funcalls, three vi modes, two tutorials and a buffer with a program in C.

On the fifth day of xemacsmas, my Emacs gave to me,
five kill rings; four funcalls, three vi modes, two tutorials and a buffer with a program in C.

On the sixth day of xemacsmas, my Emacs gave to me,
six dired listings, five kill rings; four funcalls, three vi modes, two tutorials and a buffer with a program in c

December 30, 2022