Hacker's Wisdom
«If one man asks another what a Hacker is
And the other man answers him,
Neither of them knows it.»
Borrowed Zen Proverb
«If you understand them,
Things are as they are;
If you do not understand them,
Things are as they are.»
- How To Become A Hacker, Eric S. Raymond.
- Do you have what it takes to become a hacker?
- Hackers: Taking a Byte Out of Computer Crime, Wade Roush.
- Hacker v.s. Cracker, two common terms greatly mis-used by the
mainstream media. This article appeared in the April 1995 issue
of Technology Review.
[Note:This article is
no longer available online at techreview.com]
- The Jargon File, Eric S. Raymond, ed.
- The comprehensive compendium of hacker slang illuminating many
aspects of hackish tradition, folklore, and humor; the appendix
includes a profile of a typical hacker.
- The 10 Commandments for C Programmers, Henry Spencer.
- «The Lord said to Moses, "Come up to me on the mountain and stay
here, and I will give you the tablets of stone, with the law and
commands I have written for their instruction."» Exodus
The Hacker FAQ,Peter Seebach.
Answers questions that are invariably asked when people without
previous experience with the hacker community, hire a
Gnu's not Unix,
Why not join and contribute to the GNU Project?
Technology and Pleasure: Considering Hacking
Constructive, Gisle Hannemyr.
Hackers are a specific subgroup of computer workers; hacking may,
under certain circumstances, yield superior software.
Hackers and Painters, Paul Graham.
«Hacking and painting have a lot in
common. In fact, of all the different types of people I've
known, hackers and painters are among the most
alike.» [Maciej Ceglowski wrote a critique
about this essay.]
Twenty Years of Berkeley Unix, Marshall Kirk McKusick. A brief history of BSD.
- God vs. K&R,
Alan Morgan
- The most creative follow-up to the
infamous "Jesus is Coming" spam, c. 1994.
- Real Programmers Don't Use Pascal, Ed Post.
- The differences between the typical high-school junior Pac-Man player and a Real Programmer.
- "Wizardry Compiled",
Rick Cook.
- A compilation of epigrams from the
novel, Wizardry Compiled.
- A Spotter's Guide to Academic Programmers, Pete Fenelon.
- This handy guide helps identify 20 types of programmers.
- Unix Guru's View of Sex,
- «UNIX is like Sex: If you don't know it, you don't miss it. But if you know it, you'll need it.»
- The King's Toaster,
- Two very different approaches to designing a toaster.
- Hacker's in Heaven,
- Jesus and Satan have an argument as to who is the better programmer.
- 3 Wise Men, Dennis Ritchie.
- The differences between Kernighan, Ritchie and Thompson are real but very subtle.
- Dr. Fun,
David Farley.
- Some cartoon samples:
Clusenix ·
Long Flight ·
- Multi-language program hack, Jeremy Todd Dilatush.
A single program that will print "Hello world!" when compiled with gcc, or run through the Perl, Tcl, and/or sh interpreters.
- Unix Recovery Legend,
Mario Wolczko.
What do you do when root accidently types "rm -rf /"? a) Panic and re-boot the workstation; b) Do (a), then cry like a little girl when that doesn't work; c) Read this post.
AI Memo 239: the legendary collection of neat mathematical
and programming hacks contributed by many people at MIT and
elsewhere. ("HAKMEM", is a 6-letterism for `hacks memo'.)
- A Report on The Internet Worm, Bob Page.
A post-mortem on the program that, in 1988, wreaked havoc on the Internet.
- The International
Obfuscated C Code Contest
Providing a safe forum for
poor C code. :-)
- Perl
«There's more than one way to do it. Easy things should be easy and hard things should be possible.»
- 3D Desk Calendar,
Andrew Rogers.
Download the file, edit the date,
print it out, cut, glue and enjoy (PDF
version for the lazy).
- Xerox Alto,
Alan Kay, Chuck Thacker, Butler Lampson.
«Office of the Future.»
- Distributed Proofreaders,
Charles Franks
«Preserving History One Page at a Time.»
- AI
Memo 519A,
Richard M. Stallman
EMACS: The Extensible,
Customizable Self-Documenting Display Editor.
Hacker Demigods
- « Richard M. Stallman, Linus Thorvalds [sic],
and Donald E. Knuth engage in a discussion on whose impact on the
computerized world was the greatest.
Stallman: "God told me I have programmed the best editor in
the world!"
Thorvalds: "Well, God told *me* that I have
programmed the best operating system in the world!"
Knuth: "Wait, wait - I never said that." »
Erik Meltzer, rec.humor.funny
- Keith
One of the "Berkeley Daemons".
- John
a.k.a. Cap'n Crunch.
- Edsger
W. Dijkstra, 1930 - 2002
«May, in
spite of all distractions generated by technology, all of you
succeed in turning information into knowledge, knowledge into
understanding, and understanding into wisdom.»
A community site for friends of the GNU
project. Good interviews.
- James
Papa Java.
- Bill Joy,
Vi Mythology.
- Alan
«The best way to predict the future is to
invent it.»
- Brian
W. Kernighan,
The "K" in K&R.
- Donald
E. Knuth,
- Ray
«The Thomas Edison of the computer
- Marshall Kirk McKusick
A "Berkeley Daemon".
- Mike
- Peter
We must resist the temptation to believe that all
thinking follows the computational model.
- Keith
X marks the spot.
- Rob
«I saw a flying saucer».
- Dennis
M. Ritchie,
The "R" in K&R.
- RMS,
Saint iGNUcius
(c.f. Free
as in Freedom)
- Ken
- Alan
The Enigma.
- Vernor
True Names.
- Larry
Lazy, impatient and full of hubris.
- The Woz
Father of the Apple ][.
- Index Librorum
Liberorum, John Walker.
- A formidable site with a multitude of very cool &
interesting hacking topics (including The Hacker's
Diet). Plan to make several trips.
- Graphica
Obscura, Paul Haeberli.
- On the aesthetic aspects of hacking.
alt.folklore.computers FAQ, Wilson Afonso,
- In this list of Frequently Asked Questions, learn the truth
about NASA's Mariner I space-probe failure and learn why
the letter "i" is frequently chosen as a loop counter.
Designing an Authentication System, Bill Bryant.
- This fictitious dialogue in four parts provides an account of
the design of an open-network authentication system called
- Heroes, Christopher Lott.
- An enumeration of the different types of heroes in
the software development/maintenance processes.
- Rules of Sysadmins, Various.
- If you have root, and are a systems administrator of a large network, these rules will save you countless grief.
- Malbolge, Ben Olmstead
- A programming language specifically designed to be difficult to program.