prettyp 2.0.2
2.0.2: buggy tgrindmac.tex updated 2.0.1: C comment-block colorization bug fixed (tgrindmac.tex) 2.0: colour support, and VHDL 1.2.2: lang: support for ".hh" extensions 1.2.1: prettyp: debugging off (set -x) 1.2.0: lang: guess interpreter even if it is followed by flags 1.1.4: lang: added mapping for .h files 1.1.3: lang.src was missing 1.1.2: prettyp: files were not being deleted from /tmp 1.1.1: prettyp: support for files specified with directory components 1.1.0: understands Makefiles 1.0.3: man-page: note about charset limitation bug 1.0.2: README: note about location of perl 1.0.1: lang: added python and icn to alist |
The prettyp package consists of a suite of programs that
generates "pretty" PostScript source code listings using TeX. For a
given language, comments are rendered in Times Roman italics,
keywords in bold, string literals in Courier (colour output is
optional); line-numbers, every 10 lines in a tiny font (line-numbers
on every line are optional), and function/ subroutine/ procedure
definitions, in a larger font, are displayed along the right
margin. Several PostScript examples illustrate the C and Java code;
shell, Tcl and Perl scripts and a Makefile.
Support for additional languages can be easily added, see
Extending Language Support below.
If you wish to share your language database, email your language
definitions and the changes to lang, to the maintainer.
In December 1998 the tgrind suite was ported to build under GNU/Linux
and tested under Solaris, with TeX (Web2C 7.2) 3.14159 by Luis
A. Fernandes (maintainer) & Jason M. Naughton at the Department
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ryerson Polytechnic
University. Two helper programs, prettyp and lang were added to
facilitate using the tgrind package and the whole package was renamed
In early 2002 Sean Kamath re-wrote prettyp and added colour
support to tfontedpr.
Last Modified: Fri Oct 18 14:41:39 2002