Virtual Reality is on the horizon. As such, VR app development is more meaningful and progressive than ever. Join us every Winter 2018 semester to learn where to get started on developing your own VR technology.


It's the future! You can't remember everything, but the machines can. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) has a lot of demand, and is in development in almost every industry from Legal to Health Care.


What does all hardware need? Software! Programming Languages can vary depending on what you're working on. Come get started with Python and Android Studio, learn to program on your own ideas.


Virtual Reality

There, but not really

Virtual Reality (VR) is one of the fastest and greatest growing trends. With such technology, comes opportunites for development. Imagine creating your own world, and feeling like you're living in it. Virtual Reality allows you to see easily see multiple perspectives. Weather it's devloping a game to play in VR to waching a movie with the sense of being there. Virtual Reality brings excitement to development.


Machine Learning

Learning the future

As the concept of machine learning and AI continues to grow and develop, there are endless possibilities of what can be acheived with this technology. Essentially, we're creating an artificial brain. It learns from whatever information we provide it with. Within machine learning, there are numerous subjects that make it happen, from Control Systems, Probability and Stocastic Processing, to building the Neural Network web.


La familia

IEEE Ryerson Student Branch

Established Jan. 2, 1963, there is deep history with accomplishments and success stories. IEEE continues to grow creating new future leaders every year. Some history of the Ryerson IEEE Ryerson Student Branch can be found here

Ryerson Electronics Chapter

Formerly known as Hobby Electronics Club (HEC), REC was established in 2005 and has evolved very diversely. Their historical information can be found here (2005) and here (2014-2016)

Ryerson Biomedical Chapter

Established in 2015, Cranial Nerves caters to Engineering aspects like no one else, providing unique interdisciplinary opportunities for Ryerson Students, it enables innovation, design, and ideas.