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Reducing Administrative Cost

Managing Servers

See MATtool in Action



File Manager View

This is the file manager user interface. It allows for the easy manipulation of files on a host. If more than one host is selected the operations will be performed on all selected hosts. The functions are:
  • Run - Run a selected command from the file manager on one or many selected hosts.
  • Edit - Edit config files and scripts from the UI.
  • Copy - Select one or many files for a copy operation.
  • Cut - Select one or more files for a move operation.
  • Paste - Set the destination for the copy or Cut operation.
  • Rename - Change the name of your files.
  • Permissions - Change the owner, group and permissions os a selected files and directories. Optionally choose to propigate the changes to upper durectories and files.
  • New Dir - Make a new directory in the current location.
  • New File - Make a new file in the current location, and start editing it.
  • Rename - Change the name of your files.
  • Properties - See the creation/modification times as well as the type.
  • Delete - Get rid of junk