
428 Notes (kclowes)


This page provides links to lecture notes. In particular, these are notes for the lectures in ELE 428 delivered by Prof. Ken Clowes.

The notes are organized by week (13 weeks as described in the Course Management sheet). The actual course notes for a week are only made available after the lectures have been given.


The actual lecture notes are only made available after the lecture has been given so that I can include details in the real lecture notes that reflect what students may have asked or (sometimes) details that were not covered in the lecture.

Note also that these lecture notes only cover material I use as examples or present differently from the text book.


Let me repeat: “These notes include topics that I treated differently from the text book.”

The topics in the text book that were covered in the same way as the text are not included in these notes.

Consequently, these notes do not cover all topics discussed in class.