Richard Cheung
Richard Cheung received his B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc., Ph.D. degrees from University of Toronto, and he was a Research Engineer at Ontario Hydro. He has been teaching at Toronto Metropolitan University since 1989. Dr. Cheung has been an active consultant for electricity utilities and power industry since 1990. He completed over 20 major projects and built 4 special-purposed power converters for Ontario utilities and mining industry, and manufactured 1 solar-energy converter. He has been a P.Eng. since 1987.
Nuclear electricity generation and transmission, power system operations, power system protection and stability, power electronics, power engineering software, energy efficiency, power quality, substation communication.
- T. Mander, R. Cheung, F. Nabhani, "Power system DNP3 data object security using data sets," Journal of Computers and Security (Elsevier), COSE431, Vol.29, No.4, 2010.
- H. Cheung, A. Hamlyn, L. Wang, C. Yang, R. Cheung, "Investigations of Impacts of Distributed Generations on Feeder Protections," 09GM1488, IEEE PES, Calgary, Canada, July 26-30, 2009.
- L. Wang, R. Cheung, Z. Ma, J. Ruan, Ying, "Finite-element analysis of unbalanced magnetic pull in a large hydro-generator under practical operations," IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, April 2008.
- C. Li, C. Yang, R. Cheung, "Key management for role hierarchy in distributed systems," Journal of Network and Computer Applications (Elsevier), Vol 30, No. 3, pp 920-936, Aug. 2007.